Nail Of The Day Remix: Polka Dot Madness

Ok dolls, remember that pretty blue color from color club I was rockin' on my nails?
Well, I found the color to be a bit dull on me, so I decided to play around a bit. I am no pro when it comes to nail designs, therefore I decided to do something simple that anybody can do...Polka Dots!

Here are pictures of what I started off with, but then as the day went on I decided to add a lil' more...enjoy!

Take a Q-Tip and apply polish on the tip, and dot/press on the nails-keep on adding polish as you go on to the rest of the nails
And Voila! Pretty, simple polka dots designs
Intentionally, I was going to just have the design on one neail in each hand but little did I know, I was fond of the polka dot design a little too much causing me to create this...
I quite like it, I have never done this before and I can't wait to play around with some more nail designs. I think this amped up the baby blue polish, no? Make sure you apply a clear top coat after drawing in the dots.
Orange Polka Dot Polish- Sally Hansen Insta Dry Polish in Orange You Fast
Pink Polka Dot Polish- Avon Nailwear Pro nail polish in Viva Pink

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